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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Organize Your Life!

The skies the limit, when you get your priorities straight. There is a motto I stand by and say each day,
" A Measure Of Success Is Through Organization".

Answer those calls as they come in and instead of laying an empty envelope to the side, shred it, especially if personal info is showing.
I always say, "if it is in your hand, put it away or throw it away". Don't let those papers pile up! Your desk top would love you for it!
Answer your emails each day. Having done so, you will find that you will glide through the day so much easier.
Once you have completed tasks in the office you will find that everything else in the home falls into place.
A more organized home and office makes a person feel better in their environment. It is like eating that apple each day and keeping the doctor away. Right?

~Susan Roederer~

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